What should you keep in mind for your first trip to Phu Quy Island?

In this article, the high-speed ferry website Phu Quy – vetauphuquy.vn will provide advice for first-time travelers with the following considerations!

  1. Firstly, when booking tickets for the high-speed ferry to Phu Quy Island, it is important to note that you should book in advance, about 2-3 weeks prior, through the website vetauphuquy.vn or the phone numbers: 0889211234 – 0889271234 – 0889371234. You can refer to the updated schedule of high-speed ferry trips to Phu Quy, which is regularly updated one month in advance, to plan your itinerary accordingly. When preparing for the trip, you can download the Windfinder app to monitor wind and wave conditions. When the waves are below 1 meter, it indicates light waves and the journey will be smooth. This helps you regularly update weather information and ensure a safe and comfortable trip at sea.
  2. After booking the high-speed ferry ticket to Phu Quy, you will need to arrange transportation from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet or from your local area to Phan Thiet. You can search for transportation options on booking platforms such as vexere.com, Phuong Trang Saigon Phan Thiet Bus Company, or arrange your own means of transportation.
  3. Booking accommodation in Phu Quy is also straightforward as there are about 78 hotels, guesthouses, homestays, and resorts in Phu Quy district with nearly 700 rooms. Some accommodation options you can consider are: Bien Dong Hotel, Thanh Xuan Hotel, Hien Duoc Hotel, Hung Phat Hotel, La Min Hotel, Hoang Phu Hotel, Hai Long Hotel, Hai Ha Mini Hotel, An Binh Hotel, Ly Phu Quy Hotel, Mini Phu Quy Hotel, Truong Huy Hotel, THANH TRINH Hotel, PHUONG QUYEN Hotel, An Phu Guesthouse, CHAN Guesthouse, Huong Duong Guesthouse, Thai Binh Guesthouse, Linh Ca Homestay, Khoi May Homestay, An Nhien Homestay, Co Sang Homestay, Hoang Thien Homestay, Xuan Huong Homestay, LyTi Sea Homestay, Roman Resort, etc.
  4. To prevent seasickness on the ferry, it is advisable to take motion sickness medication before boarding. Furthermore, limit the use of mobile phones on the ferry to avoid sudden dizziness when looking at the phone screen. Instead, bring sunglasses, masks, and headphones, and then relax and sleep to arrive at your destination in good health. Passengers can refer to the content of the article “Tips for Preventing Seasickness on High-Speed Ferries to Phu Quy Island” for more information!
  5. Most high-speed ferries to Phu Quy concentrate the checked baggage of passengers in one empty location, making it easy to confuse luggage. Therefore, it is recommended to mark your luggage and attach information cards with contact numbers.
  6. In Phu Quy, the sun makes for beautiful photos, but to protect yourself from the sun, remember to bring sunscreen and wear sun-protective clothing. The sun and wind in Phu Quy can quickly darken your skin in just 2-3 days, so it’s essential to be prepared.
  7. If you want to explore the local destinations, culture, history, cuisine, etc., it is advisable to hire a local tour guide. The cost of hiring a tour guide in Phu Quy is around 500,000 – 700,000 VND per day. Besides providing tour guidance, they can assist you with carrying luggage, taking photos, and more. They can provide full-service from A to Z.
  8. When visiting Phu Quy, you can rent a motorbike or bicycle to get around the island. The rental price for a motorbike is around 150,000 – 200,000 VND per day, and for a bicycle, it is about 50,000 – 100,000 VND per day.
  9. Exploring the local cuisine is a must when in Phu Quy. You can try seafood dishes at Quan 1985, which is known for its beautiful setting. For affordable and delicious seafood, you can also visit Ong Gia restaurant or Luoi Seafood. Don’t miss out on specialties like Huynh De crab, lobster, sea urchin, and snails. Before dining, make sure to check your bank account and wallet.
  10. The local food on the island tends to be sweet, so if you prefer less sweetness, you can buy fish sauce in Phan Thiet and bring it with you. Adjust the taste according to your preference.
  11. There are not many state-owned and private banks on Phu Quy Island. The two banks available for tourists and residents are Agribank and Viettel, which also offers Viettel Money service. Many establishments in Phu Quy have QR codes for cashless payments, so you can feel secure if you don’t carry a lot of cash.
  12. The rental service for motorcycles on Phu Quy Island is diverse. You can rent colorful motorbikes such as Cup, Chaly, or 67 to enjoy the island life. However, be aware that the terrain of Phu Quy has steep slopes, so those types of motorcycles may struggle. If you are traveling with two people, it is recommended to rent a scooter for faster and smoother rides. Phu Quy Island is generally safe, and you can leave the key on the motorbike without worrying about losing it. When renting a motorbike, the owner will provide two helmets, so remember to wear them. While the Phu Quy traffic police are friendly, make sure to wear a helmet to avoid any potential penalties.
  13. It is advisable to bring insect repellent to prevent discomfort caused by insects during your trip. This will help you avoid any unwanted troubles when encountering insects.

If there is any additional information needed, we will continue to update it. However, this article provides a comprehensive guide for first-time visitors to Phu Quy Island. Please support us by booking high-speed ferry tickets to Phu Quy through the contact information on the vetauphuquy.vn website!

Wishing you a joyful journey!

Tourists disembark from the Trung Trac high-speed ferry to Phu Quy Island.
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